Katie + Jeremy

Filed in Engagements, Uncategorized — August 22, 2014


It all started at a mutual friends wedding reception. Jeremy sat one table over from Katie and couldn’t take his eyes off her all night. After a night full of dreaming about this beautiful girl, Jeremy walked right up to the bride and asked about Katie. “She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen”. The bride told Jeremy he should ask Katie to dance. Jeremy shied away from dancing and hoped that later their paths would cross again.

Another mutual friend of theirs knew they would make a great match. So their friend Hannah talked them up to one another. Finally, while Katie was surfing social media a few photos of Jeremy popped up. She liked a few photos and instantly Jeremy started a conversation with the girl of his dreams. A week later they had plans for their first date.

Jeremy picked Katie up and grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to a local park to take a walk. “She has the best smile in the world” Jeremy thought of his soon-to-be-bride. During their first date, Katie and Jeremy learned so much about one another. Most important of all, they learned that they were a perfect match. “He was so easy to talk to, conversation came easily” and that’s when Katie began to fall in love.

Months later Jeremy picked up Katie and took her back to the same park, got down on one knee and asked Katie to spend the rest of her life with him. At first Jeremy couldn’t tell if Katie had said yes or not, but her huge smile and excitement gave it away. Eventually, Katie managed to get out a “yes!!!”. Next year they will will say “I do” and start their journey as husband and wife together.

We started their film engagement session at a park similar to the park they shared their first date.

2014-08-22_0001Film Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement sessionFilm Photography, Lansing Engagement Session, Emily Jane Photography, Contax 645, Michigan engagement session

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  1. harshita says:

    Beautiful couple session…loved looking at those cute and candid shots..they were so beautiful and graceful at the same time 🙂

  2. They are so cute together! You can totally see their love for each other… Great job!

  3. Gretchen says:

    Beautiful engagement session! Love the black and white image – just stunning.

  4. Melissa says:


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