Stevie and her best friend were walking through a wedding reception when Stevie heard a loud “HEY!” come from the bar. She quickly turned around and locked eyes with Jason who had regretted shouting and sunk down into his barstool. Stevie asked her friend who had just yelled at her and she replied “Oh, that’s Jason…he’s in love with you.”
Jason had seen Stevie’s photo online a few weeks before the wedding and couldn’t stop talking about this gorgeous girl who would be attending. Once he had laid eyes on her, it’s all that was on his mind.
Later that evening, Stevie and Jason were both on the dance floor. Stevie was sure Jason would ask her to dance but when the next slow song came on Stevie took matters into her own hands and asked Jason if he’d like to dance. Jason quickly and happily accepted. They spent the rest of the evening dancing, laughing and getting to know each other.
Fast forward a year and a half. After many incredible dates and adventures together it was Easter morning and Jason handed Stevie her “prize” for the Easter egg challenge.
It was an envelope with their song lyrics that lead her to another envelope that read: “Chapel”. Stevie put down the envelope to see Jason on one knee with the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen in his hands. She couldn’t believe it was for her. Jason was ecstatic he had successfully surprised his wife-to-be as she said yes.
Stevie and Jason will tie the knot this fall in Chicago and dance to many more songs on the dance floor. This time, at their own wedding. Enjoy this preview of Stevie + Jason’s Lake Michigan Engagement Session on film!