Stylized Bridal Shoot- Film VS Digital

Filed in Photography, Uncategorized, Weddings — June 3, 2014


Hello all!

I’m particularly excited to share this shoot with you because it means something special to me and my business, but you’ll have to go easy on me because I’m new to this. After long long hours in front of the computer trying to get my images to have that “soft, light airy look” I have finally found what I am looking for in film.  I’m really excited to start incorporating film into my engagement sessions and weddings. This shoot is a mix of digital and film. All of the film images in this shoot are completely unedited. I have done my best to edit digital images to look like film. So here ya go!

I’m so glad Katie agreed to model for me. My film camera rental arrived exactly one hour before she arrived for our shoot, so I had a lot of learning to do. It was raining but the sun kept peeking in and out of the cloud for us.

I labeled each photo either “Digital” or “Film” BELOW each photo. See if you can guess which it is before you look! Film Vs Digital

Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography



Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography


Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography



I’m about to get very brave and show you two completely unedited photos. Unedited digital VS. unedited film. Left is digital, right is film. Which do you like better and why? I would love to hear from you all!
Emily Jane Photography, Film Photography, Film VS Digital, Light Airy Photography, Wedding Photography

I cannot thank you enough for being my muse for the day! I really appreciate you! You ROCK!

Emily Jane


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  1. I did a horrible job guessing – and I am usually pretty good at film vs digital 🙂 excellent editing job!!!

  2. Meredith says:

    OH MY. The film wins!! Were these shot on the Contax?

  3. The last photo can be deceiving, a lot of places that do film processing also do color correction and exposure when they print. So unless you asked for it un-color corrected than the last photo has been edited

  4. jade says:

    Such gorgeous photos! I absolutely love the look and colors you get from film – it’s so hard to duplicate but you did a great job in post.

  5. Sher says:

    wow – i am a terrible guesser 🙂

    the digital phones look great, would love to know what type of editing you you did to get them to resemble film so closely?

  6. Arica says:

    There is definitely something magical about film! Way to step out of your comfort zone and put the two cameras to the test. I really like both looks, but the film images have some sick dynamic range going on!

  7. Anna says:

    Absolutely gorgeous…love them all, and the film is magical!

  8. You did a really great job! Im starting to get into film too and Im in loveeee with your work!! Congrats you ROCK!

  9. Bubba Jones says:

    Very good comparison. Thank you for sharing.

    Okay, on the final photo film I like better. Here is why, her skin appears warm having a more natural color. Whereas in the digital has a much cooler appearance, more blue tones. As an individual photo the digital appears good, yet next to the film shot, film wins.

    Another thing I noticed on my laptop monitor, MBP 15 inch, the digital has more blown highlights than the film shots. Looking at the dress and the woman’s back the digital appears blown out. Often that can be a telltale sign of digital.

    Also, you mention “…I would love to hear from you all!…”. Well, in the South we would say, “y’all”, spoken as one syllable one word. 🙂


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