Kirsten + Jake

Filed in Engagements, Uncategorized — December 15, 2014


Even though Kirsten and Jake grew up in the same town, went to the same grade school, middle school, and high school, It wasn’t until their sophomore year in college when they had any interaction at all. When both of their separate friend groups decided to get together for a football game, Jake  finally laid his eyes on his future wife. Although they did not talk much during the game, they all went back to a friends house to hangout. ” I still remember to this day that out of all the seats she chose to sit right next to me”. After a fun night with friends Jake and Kirsten parted ways. The next morning Jake was wishing and hoping that things with this great girl he had met yesterday might go somewhere. He was pleasantly surprised when Kirsten agreed to go on a date afterwards. As they sat at Kirsten’s parent’s house they were both nervous but played it off. Jake admitted; “My heart was racing all night; there were many times where I had no idea what to really do”. After the movie ended, a nervous Jake got bundled up to walk to his car (it was snowy an cold), he told the girl of his dreams he had a wonderful time and nervously kissed her goodnight. That was just the beginning.

Fast forward years ahead Jake was picking up Kirsten up for her birthday date night out. Kirsten had been hoping this would be the evening Jake would ask that one life changing question, but a friend had convinced her otherwise and she was crushed. At the beginning of their date Jake led her around to the her parent’s backyard, where, much to her surprise when she turned around she found Jake down on one knee. She said yes! Next fall Kirsten will meet Jake at the alter where they will promise each other a lifetime full of adventure together, forever.

For Kirsten and Jake’s Frankenmuth engagement session we started out at Prost Wine Bar and ended in a field where it started to rain but instead of ending the session early Kirsten and Jake grabbed umbrellas and rocked the end of their session!
Emily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photos, rainy engagement sessionEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photosEmily Jane Photography, Emily Jane engagements, michigan film photographer, film photography, frankenmuth engagement photos,  prost wine bar, fall engagement photos

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  1. olga says:

    Love the film look of your images! So organic.

  2. Effie L. says:

    What a sweet story!

    Love the photographs and all the texture in them!

  3. these are stunning. I love the clear umbrellas, it looks like these two are just taking a stroll in the park!

  4. awww, their story just makes me melt. so often i hear a story about boy meets girl and they fell in love, but i secretly love the ones where boy meets girl and doesn’t fall in love for many years later even though they somewhat know each other 🙂
    beautiful couple! beautiful photos!

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